Why Is AJ Frey So Sure About Your Website’s Success? 

Why Is AJ Frey So Sure About Your Website’s Success? 

On his website he’s described as handsome, debonair, suave, charming and a technology-lover who also loves Ghostbusters, StarWars and cheesy 80’s TV. You may disagree with all of the above–after all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, or the buyer, according to AJ Frey.

However, one truth that is undeniable is that AJ Frey is an incredibly brilliant Search Engine Optimization specialist aka SEO expert, who hates pay per click. Thought that would get your attention! It is no secret that AJ Frey has a sense of humour.

But when it comes to his clients and helping them to achieve website’s success, he will do whatever it takes to position your product or service on page one. AJ Frey is the owner of Best SEO in Canada.

He Offers a comprehensive range of SEO services, dedicated to driving traffic that meets your lead, acquisition, or sales objectives.

But why Is AJ Frey So Sure About Your Website’s Success? Because success leaves clues. What he has done for others he will do for you. Let’s look at some of what he’s done for others and for himself to make it to page one on Google’s search engine: 

1. Experience and Process for SEO Delivery

When it comes to SEO these days, anyone with a laptop, access to the Internet and a WordPress-installed blog can boast of being an SEO expert After all, YOAST plug-in is the #1 WordPress SEO plugin, and is available on all WordPress sites.  

What you won’t see behind those claims, however, is the experience and process they take to deliver results. This is fundamental, and something you should watch out for. When a so-called SEO expert is offering his or her service, the first thing you should do is visit his/her website.

Next, do a simple search in Google to see if they show up on the search engine’s organic positions. If they don’t, it means they have little to no experience, nor have they implemented whatever SEO strategy they are claiming to deliver. How can you give what you don’t have?

Therefore, a fundamental characteristic of great SEO experts is that they have experience implementing SEO for themselves first. In addition, they should have a process, showing you how they intend to make your website a success:

2. Thought Leadership 

SEO is always evolving, as you no doubt have seen with the genesis of BERT–Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), which is another attempt by Google to improve their natural language processing in order to better understand the search queries of their end users.

And if you’re just returning to the planet and have no idea what I’m talking about, check out this article (link to: What is the Best Word Count for SEO in Canada?). 

This is Google’s last major update. However, in one year alone, Google made upwards of 3,200 updates to its search engine algorithms. How can you be expected to keep tabs of all these updates while focusing on managing your business?

You need thought-leadership, and that’s another characteristic of great SEO experts. They must know what is happening in the industry and are able to adjust accordingly. Ensure they’re keeping up with these ever evolving SEO best practices and are sharing tips to help your business adjust for maximum impact.

3. An Outstanding Portfolio

Experts aren’t born, they’re created. Becoming an SEO expert overnight is impossible.

In order to be an SEO expert, you have to put in a lot of work and dedication. Experts study a lot and practice a lot. This gives them impressive portfolios which every SEO expert wants to show off.

Who wouldn’t toot his own horn? In the world of SEO the louder the horn the better. When an SEO expert works with a client to put his/her website on Google’s page one, this gives him/her a feeling of great pride and accomplishment.

And they should feel proud of their accomplishments. Getting on Google’s page one is hard work! Naturally, they are going to publicise this great feat by posting it on their websites. 

This is good for you. This is your opportunity to scroll through their portfolio to see the kind of work they have done and are doing. You will also get to see the calibre clients with whom they work to determine if you, too, would want to be in that “club”. 

As an SEO expert, AJ Frey is no exception in wanting to highlight his outstanding portfolio. Here you can peruse some of the work he has done for clients just like you. 

4. Real Life Testimonials

Naturally, if an SEO expert has a portfolio, it means he/she has clients. What do satisfied clients do? They give testimonials. So not only do SEO experts toot their own horns, but their clients toot louder.

Developing winning SEO strategies, managing their implementation, and guiding teams on their execution to generate results is not easy. When an SEO Expert does all this hard work and gets those fantastic results, their clients reward them with testimonials, having gotten value for their money. 

Thus, sharing real-life testimonials is a characteristic you’ll find with most great SEO experts like AJ Frey. 

5. We’re a Team of Creatives

When you hire AJ Frey you’re not just getting the most brilliant SEO expert on the planet, you’re getting his team — an eclectic group of creatives with various backgrounds, who manage to work together with our clients to plan out and implement an extensive strategy to boost your website in the Google rankings.

10 years ago a crack squad SEO unit was sent to prison by a Google court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped a maximum security stockade, changed their SEO strategy, and went underground.

Today still wanted by the search engines they survive as web designers and SEO specialists. By bringing together a team of the very best SEO experts in Canada with specialties in site optimization, mobile UX, link building, analytics and SEO content, AJ Frey is sure about your website’s success. 

AJ Frey doesn’t only talk the talk, but he walks the walk. He specialises in helping anyone (small businesses, large enterprise businesses and everything in between)boost their online presence and get found on not only Google, but all major search engines across the world – not only in Canada.That’s a recipe for success–your success!

6. Only SEO-optimised Content Marketing

And that’s not all!

AJ Frey, through his evolving proven whitehat secret recipe generates millions of organic SEO traffic to his clients’ blogs and websites–all done organically. I.e. no Instagram and Facebook Ads.

Only SEO-optimised content marketing. It is for this reason that many small and large businesses trust AJ Frey to deliver SEO strategies that put them on Google’s page one. 

7. 5-star Ratings 

Still don’t see why AJ Frey is so sure about your website’s success? How about this: Across several review sites, including this one, this SEO expert’s team of creatives’ expertise and penchant for perfection have seen them receive 5-star ratings from happy customers. 

8. King of Backlinks 

At the beginning of  the article we mentioned BERT–Google’s AI that interprets data on a page and delivers meaningful search results for your keyword search.

One of the algorithms BERT interprets is the number of backlinks pointing to web pages and websites on a whole.  The more backlinks, the more BERT sees your site as authoritative.

However, due to its “intelligence”, Google’s search engine cannot be fooled by many backlinks that are from dummy sites, or sites with irrelevant information–though many have tried.

When it comes to acquiring backlinks, AJ Frey comes highly recommended as the king of backlinks.

He will help you to generate high-value backlinks, ensuring search engines interpret your website as important and rank it above those of your competitors for keyword searches. This is another reason AJ Frey is so sure about your website’s success. 

When you sign up for one of AJ Frey’s SEO packages you receive expert consultations, market and keyword research, search engine webmaster tools setup, and a myriad of other tools that will aid in the success of your website. 

Whether or not you own an ecommerce website, or maybe you just have a simple landing page, but you want it to be on Google’s page one for your keyword search, you need a team of creatives who are passionate about organic traffic and SEO white hat best practices.

You need AJ Frey–who is sure about your website’s success. 

What to Expect from The Best SEO in Canada

1. Onboarding and Project Management

We value your business. We understand how important your website is to you. In order to assist you to reach your goal(s), we will assign a project manager to handle your account. He/She will need access to some of your assets. 

Depending on the scope of work, this could mean anything from access to your website/blog, your Google Analytics login info, your in-house staff, etc. This is why an onboarding process is important.

From this exercise, the project manager will be able to advise concerning the management of your project. I.e. how long the process will take, what is the full scope of the project, etc. 

2. Strategy session 

Of course, before your project manager proceeds with the onboarding process, a strategy session is organised. Your decision to work with AJ Frey, an SEO expert, came from the desire to rank high on Google’s search engine.

Or, it may be that you are seeking to generate more traffic to your site. Whatever the reason, you’re here for results. You have heard that AJ Frey can make your business successful, and trial and error is costly. 

We know that no two businesses are alike, therefore, the SEO strategies that work for one may not work for the other. Great SEO experts like AJ Frey, from experience working with different businesses, know this.

Thus, we do not simply take your information and send you proposals. Instead, and in order to help you, we allow you to share your unique needs and business case during our strategy session.

3. Research and Recommendations

After sharing your needs and business case with our SEO expert during our strategy session, your information is then used to conduct in-depth research. This is done in order to gain insights into your industry and your target audience. 

Once done, our SEO expert will share the results of the research, and offer recommendations based on the findings, in order for your website to be successful.

We use all the available digital channels available to you, including telephone, email and video conferencing. 

4. A Contract Detailing the Deliverables

So far, you’ve had several “meetings” with our SEO expert, and no mention yet of a contract. We believe in value for money and putting our money where our mouth is.

So, we will only offer a contract for your acceptance, after our strategy sessions, which includes a digital project kickoff meeting with your team (onboarding) and platform specific optmsation consultations (See numbers 2 & 3 above).

If our strategy session and follow-up discussions with our SEO expert looks like a good fit for the exchange of mutual value, then and only then you’ll receive our contract for your business.

Not only that, but our brilliant SEO expert won’t just send you a contract, but you’ll receive the contract detailing our deliverables–what we’ll deliver, how we’ll deliver and when you should start expecting results.

AJ and SEO  

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is not a one-size fits all, fly-by-night strategy implemented by black hat SEO “experts”. SEO takes time before its results become apparent.

Any SEO “expert” who tells you he/she can produce overnight success is clueless about SEO strategies, or is practising black hat techniques–which will find your website being penalised by Google for illegal practices.

The minimum time on average for any signs of improvement is approximately 3 months. It could be sooner, but we do not make wild promises. We prefer to be conservative, and work hard at fulfilling our obligations. 

AJ Frey is an incredibly brilliant Search Engine Optimisation specialist aka SEO expert, who hates pay per click. His strategy, which he calls his secret sauce, is a white hat, Google-friendly strategy that is guaranteed to get you positive search results, regardless of the search engine. 

He offers a comprehensive range of SEO services, dedicated to driving traffic that meets your lead, acquisition, or sales objectives. If you give it approximately 3 months, you’ll start seeing results—qualified traffic, leads and sales. 

AJ Frey can do all that was mentioned above and then some. As you have seen from the testimonials, many clients have testified to the success of their websites. If he is able to help make their websites successful, he is sure about your website’s success.

A few words From AJ to You

Hi! I’m AJ Frey, and I would love to hear from you.

If you enjoyed this article and are in need of digital marketing, a cool website, or improving your ranking on the search engines, contact me at 1 250 801 6588, or just leave me a comment in the box below by way of introduction. Your website’s success means business for me!

My team and I will help you build a RAD website that will attract customers through good design, cool integrations and SEO. 

So why is AJ Frey so sure about your website’s success? Because you found him on page one.  If he can do that for himself, imagine, just for a moment, what he can do for you! 

He hates PPC! That’s someone you want in your corner. 

What Does Rad Mean? The Importance of a Rad Website

What Does Rad Mean? The Importance of a Rad Website

Rad Websites has been providing clients in Medicine Hat, Calgary and surrounding areas with award-winning ecommerce website design services since 2004. We are passionate about helping businesses succeed online through the right combination of stunning design, user friendly functionality and sound strategy. Founded on the idea that websites should be both effective and beautiful, we believe that our definition of rad can help your business to prosper in today’s digital marketplace. Here are some reasons why you need a rad website, built by Rad Websites!

What does rad mean?

Rad is a term that is said when something is so cool there isn’t a word to describe it. Rad is an adjective that means excellent or awesome and it can also mean powerful or intense. AJ Frey say’s rad means cooler than cool, and we think this is the best way to describe what a rad website is.

A rad website has all the latest SEO tools, so you can rank high on Google search results. It also has modern ecommerce with an interactive experience for your customers. Rad Websites builds rad websites for businesses like yours!

Our team is Canada’s Award Winning Ecommerce Website Design Agency located in Medicine Hat, AB. Get your company seen by more people by having a rad website built by us!

When it comes to web design and SEO, less is more

Website Design and SEO are two highly important aspects of every business. We take pride in building websites that are not only functional, but also beautifully designed with search engine optimization in mind.

Businesses in Medicine Hat have a unique opportunity with its proximity to Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge. With our help, you can be found on the web by customers from all over the province. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most important factors when it comes to getting new customers for your business. The importance of a website is evident for anyone who’s looking for new or better opportunities for their business. If you’re looking for an award winning company to design your website and manage your SEO, look no further than us!

Rad Architect and SEO Director of Growth Aj Frey says less is more. “It is important to focus on using the right keywords and phrases that will not only help your search ranking but also provide value to your visitors” he says.

Originality and copywriting can make or break your brand

Every day, you’re competing with new businesses popping up and the ever-changing SEO landscape. This makes it more important than ever to have an online presence that’s original and relevant. To do this, you need good content and copywriting. Publish consistently on your website or blog to keep people coming back for more. If you want your site to be among the best SEO in Canada, then you should use words that are fun, short and memorable. Keywords like: ‘rad’, ‘sick’, ‘awesome’.

When you are in business, it’s important to stay on the cutting edge and be creative. Which is why we recommend and work with Ghost Writers and Co. We have been working with them for years, and their copywriting is top-notch.

Is creativity worth paying for

At Rad Websites, you can expect to know what things cost. Our website designs are priced based on how complicated they are. We want to make sure you know what you’re getting for your money and that you’re not overpaying for something that’s too simple or paying for something way too advanced for your needs.
No matter what kind of design you’re looking for, we’ll create a package that’s perfect for you at the best price possible!

Rad also has some of the most affordable SEO in Canada, with packages starting as low as $699/month! But we don’t stop there: our company specializes in internet marketing and digital advertising strategies, PPC, Social Media Management and award winning Ecommerce so if you want more than just SEO services, Rad is the right place for you, we’ve got it all!

At Rad Websites, you will find creativity worth paying for – whether it be through retainer hours, blocks of development time or even by individual hourly service. That’s why people come to us time and time again for their project requirements because we set ourselves apart from other agencies.

We believe that good design should be accessible to everyone, regardless of budget. With rad pricing plans, high quality and affordable services – Rad Websites is definitely the best choice for any project requirement.

Brand consistency through web design

Brand consistency is an essential part of any successful online business. Your website should be aesthetically pleasing, easy to navigate and have the same feel as your other marketing materials. You need to look professional and trustworthy to win over new customers.
Good web design is essential for winning over new customers. Your website needs to look professional and have a trustworthy feel if you’re going to win clients online. Customers aren’t going to pick your site over another just because it has brighter colours or more interesting fonts. That being said, you need to think about how your website looks as well as how it works. People shop with their eyes first, so make sure that whatever you put on your site makes your business look good.

How we use technology to stand out from our competitors

We use technology to stand out from our competitors in the web design industry. In addition, we offer rad pricing that is more affordable than other similar agencies. We are one of Canada’s most trusted and successful companies offering rad website services with award winning Ecommerce.
Rad Websites provide clients with top notch solutions and leading edge features by constantly staying on top of the latest trends and always striving to make our clients business lives easier.

Why Every Business Needs a Rad Website Built By Rad Websites

A rad website is a necessity for any business that wants to stand out and maintain strong online position. Having a rad website built by Rad Websites will give you the tools and skills to keep up with the latest marketing techniques and keep your brand top-of-mind with customers.

Rad Websites is Canada’s Award winning Ecommere Website Design Agency, Located in Medicine Hat, AB. We Build Rad Websites! Why you need a rad website built by Rad Websites: A rad website is a necessity for any business that wants to maintain online visability.

A rad website will give you the tools and skills to keep up with the latest marketing techniques and keep your brand top-of-mind with customers. It doesn’t matter if it’s a family owned or operated small business or multinational corporation, everyone needs some help these days when it comes to keeping their site fresh, engaging and updated regularly.

For years, Rad Websites has been helping businesses like yours create stunning websites using the latest web design technologies, while staying within your budget. With so many different types of web designs available today (responsive/mobile-ready/Ecommerce) we can help you find a solution that fits your specific needs best. No matter what kind of site you’re looking for – whether it’s informational only or integrated with advanced ecommerce features – our team is always happy to help get things started from scratch or build on an existing framework.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or just don’t know where to start, reach out to us and let us do what we are good at, so you can do what your good at. Your rad website should be more than just something pretty. It should also be functional, innovative and easy-to-navigate as well as load quickly no matter the device being used.

Rad Websites offers responsive templates that automatically adjust to fit whatever screen they’re displayed on, meaning users will never have to worry about viewing content across multiple platforms again – it all looks great no matter what device they use. Whether you are considering building an Ecommerce store or blog and require a robust CMS system or not – call now or book an appointment for your free consultation.